The Network Gives an Extra Boost To Your Marketing

The Network Gives an Extra Boost

The basic idea of ​​the ecosystem is that everyone wins. Instead of competing with each other, the network utilizes common resources in the best possible way for the whole ecosystem. The revenue and successes are also shared among the participants. This way, your success doesn’t depend only on the resources of your own business.

Building an ecosystem is worth starting by strengthening collaboration with your existing partners. Finding the most suitable marketing, sales, distribution, product development or production partners and working together to design a network model that benefits everyone is the agile way. You can share information, know-how or financial resources.

In a marketing ecosystem, a networking solution might look like this:

1. The marketing departments of the ecosystem members work together, plan campaigns and manage the brands of the network. Ground rules should be agreed clearly at the earliest possible stage. Marketing departments are also responsible for ensuring that outbound communication is consistent regardless of the company.

It is not necessary for all parties in the network to have their own marketing expertise. A marketing expert produces material for use by the entire ecosystem. You can streamline marketing with digital content management that facilitates the production and utilization of unified material and automates your routines, for example message distribution to different channels.

Establish an asset management task force that shares and develops best practices among all parties.

2. Digital platform generates sales leads. Sales function helps content marketing target messages to desired recipients and supports marketing communications with up-to-date information about customer needs and desires.

Sales people primarily represent the entire ecosystem, but the sale of a partial solution produced by one member to a customer is also allowed if it fits the way the network operates. This increases the seller’s responsibility to clarify and understand the customer’s needs. It is not enough for a seller to identify only the sales prospects of his own company’s products and services. They need to know what your entire network has to offer. Once your vendors have internalized this, they will get an even wider range of solutions in their toolbox.

Cross-selling is enhanced by well-produced marketing material distributed on a digital platform and the packaging of products and services into ready-made solutions.

3. The ecosystem emphasizes information sharing, ease of sharing, and reliability. When customer and product information is no longer created exclusively in your own company, access to shared information is vital. Customer feedback and data collected by technical support should also be shared with all parties.

It is a good idea to automate the updates of product information. That will reduce the probability of errors and the latest information to the network will be published in real time. Business management can track marketing activities and productivity through a digital platform. They also have a view of the customer feedback and requirements. In this way, the management is able to react quickly to changes and can use the information in its decision-making.

4. A good digital platform provides everyone with access to common valuable intangible assets. Marketing-related material production becomes more efficient when digital asset management brings the latest documents, images, brochures and technical materials to everyone without delay.

The network gives an extra boost

Marketing resources can be utilized more efficiently when the members of the ecosystem no longer need to produce the same basic materials. Content is spread through a single effort for the entire network.

The automation provided by the digital asset management service should be utilized both in unifying the visual look and in automating and scheduling publishing operations.

Digital asset management also supports message duplication. There is a trend towards part-time marketers in service marketing in particular. The group includes all employees involved in the provision of the service in one way or another, even the entire staff of the company regardless of their job description. Their work input has a decisive impact on the customer’s quality experience and purchasing behavior. In an ecosystem, the number of part-time marketers can multiply as the chain of professionals involved in the production of your service grows. With digital inventory management tools, these informal marketers of your service have easy access to product information and marketing materials.

Listen to Gredi’s Digismart Ecosystem audiobook, get it now for free here.


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